Let's Work On Your Marriage

Is your marriage going through a rough patch?


Relationship Coaching can help you and your partner manage your differences and to build a strong relationship.

It can help you fine tune your relationship to make it better.

Coaching can help you manage a crisis, a difficult transition or difficult behavior.

It can be an important source of support, strength and growth.

Relationship Coaching can also help you manage anger, resentment and frustration and arrive to workable solutions.

Couple in therapy

Is your marriage going through a rough patch?

Are you having frequent arguments that get out of control? Do you feel you have become distant as a couple?

Or maybe it’s more complicated, like an infidelity or one of you wants to separate or divorce?

It’s important to stay calm.

Even if your partner is saying it’s all over, there is always much you can do to change things.

I can help you.


I know this is probably one of the most difficult moments in your life. That is why it is very important to develop a plan to recover your marriage.

Claudia Montero
Claudia Montero
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Excellent coaching. The fact that it's online makes it so flexible that it's helped me continue and make progress with the video calls.
Paola Allendez
Paola Allendez
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Daniel is very professional. A great mentor and guide to help you learn to discover yourself. And it makes it so much easier that we can Skype. Thank you, Daniel for all your help! Highly recomended!

Relationship coaching is for you if:

  • Your marriage is in trouble and you need to feel closer to your partner.
  • You are on the brink of divorce or you have even started the process.
  • You live together but emotionally disconnected.
  • You are separated and there is little contact with your partner.
  • There has been an infidelity (physical and/or emotional).
  • You keep having the same discussions or fights about money, communication, upbringing, family, how you spend free time, sex, etc.
  • Your partner has been clear that he or she is not interested in getting help to make things better between the two of you.

Pressuring your partner to work on the relationship usually backfires

It’s natural to want your partner to work with you on the relationship to fix things and not be so negative.

Nevertheless, you have probably noticed that the more you try to convince him or her about fixing things between you, the more he or she withdraws or becomes more defensive.

For that reason, the first thing you need to do is stop preaching, crying, begging, pressuring or sending flowers, cards or mariachi.

All this what is actually doing is pushing away your partner even more.

There's a better way to get through to your partner

Success comes from working smarter, not harder.

It’s not that you haven’t tried too hard. Maybe you just haven’t tried things that can bring you closer as a couple.

I can help you define the things that you need to do or say different that will turn things around.

Another good thing of our approach is that it is effective even if your spouse does not wish to participate in the sessions.

The help is for you. So you can figure out a better way of handling your present situation.

Sofía Palafox
Sofía Palafox
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Daniel is without a doubt a great resurce. His approach is very practical and focuses on resolving real problems in the "here and now". If what you're looking for is to solve issues, empower your self and strenghten your personality in a small ammount of time, congratulations. You've found the right person.
Carmen García
Carmen García
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Thank yu, Daniel. You have been of great help to my family. Excellent coah and therapist! I will be forever greatful.

You do not need to consult with your partner if you seek relationship coaching or not.

It is very common for the person most invested in saving the relationship/marriage to take the first steps towards seeking help.

By changing the way you approach the situation you will learn how to make things better with your spouse without him or her needing to participate in the sessions.

If that’s the case for now.

And if along the way your partner decides to participate in the coaching, great!

I can help you find the best way of avoiding divorce and resolving your marital issues.

Stop wasting time

Let me help you work on your marriage.

We can talk via phone or video call.

Every day you spend feeling down or angry is another day wasted.

Book an appointment today.

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